Frequently Asked Questions
Eden Park’s scientifically proven Far UV-C 222nm technology can help foster healthier lifestyles by eliminating bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, leaving you with more time and energy to focus on more of what matters most.
Check out the FAQs below, organized by category:
FAQ | Eden Park Far UV-C Technology
Eden Park’s patented excimer lamp harnesses the Far UV-C 222nm wavelength. This wavelength can continuously inactivate airborne viruses and bacteria to create safer and healthier indoor spaces for everyone. This is particularly beneficial for at-risk, immunocompromised, and medically vulnerable communities. Eden Park’s Shield222 Technology is effective against a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria, and pathogens.
Eden Park’s lamps are effective against a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria, and pathogens, including:
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- Influenza
- SARS-CoV-2 (virus)
- Staphylococcus Aureus (Gram+ bacteria
- Aspergillus Niger (endospore; Toxic Black Mold surrogate)
- H1N1 (Swine Flu; Influenza A virus)
- H5N8 (Bird Flu; Influenza A virus)
- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA; Gram+ bacteria)
- Bacillus Globigii (bacterial endospore; Anthrax surrogate)
- MS2 (RNA bacteriophage virus)
- Staphylococcus Epidermis (Gram+ bacteria)
- Phi-X174 (DNA bacteriophage virus)
- Pantoea agglomerans (Gram- bacteria)
- Listeria Monocytogenes (Gram+ bacteria)
- Murine Norovirus (virus)
- Escherichia Coli (E. Coli; Gram- bacteria)
- Candida Auris (fungus)
- Botrytis Cinerea (fungus)
- Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum (fungus)
- Legionella Pneumophila (Gram- bacteria)
- Aspergillus Versicolor (fungus)
- Clostridioides Difficile (C. Diff; endospore)
- Salmonella Enterica (Gram- bacteria)
- MPX-HUG-2 (Monkeypox; virus)
Click here to learn more about the science behind MobileShield222.
Eden Park’s Far UV-C is meant for anyone who wishes to create safer and healthier indoor spaces without the use of harsh chemicals and cleaning products. It can be used in both home and business settings, and can be used around people of all ages, plants, and even pets.
The lamp is not bright – generally not visible in indoor or outdoor light. The lamp tends to have a soft salmon-colored glow which gets slightly stronger over its life. It will not cause glare or otherwise interfere with seeing another person in the room, reading, or viewing a computer or television screen.
Distance from the light: according to regulatory specification from ANSI, the lamp should be used no closer than 1-foot distance for 8-hours. Recommended distance is 2.5 feet, in which case it would be well below the limit during constant exposure.
Whether in the air, or on surfaces, our lamp will inactivate viruses, pathogens, and bacteria (including SARS-COV-2) immediately upon exposure to the 222nm light. Further, many studies have shown that our Shield222 Technology is as effective as wearing a mask, but it is more effective when used in combination with a mask. Lastly, Eden Park lamps are significantly more effective than air purifiers and devices incorporated into HVAC units.
Yes, Shield222 Technology can clean both air and surfaces even when people are not present. The real benefit is that it acts immediately upon contact with viruses and bacteria, no matter when it’s in use.
Far-UVC 222nm light has a short wavelength that is unable to penetrate the protective outer layers of skin and will not penetrate the cornea.
Click here to learn more about the science behind MobileShield222.
We are not aware of any adverse effects of 222nm caused by prescription medications. Far-UVC 222nm light emits a wavelength that cannot penetrate the protective outer layers of skin or the cornea. Also, the FDA has approved the use of Far-UVC 222nm lamps in certain indoor spaces, including hospitals and airports.
The outer layer of human skin consists of dead skin cells with no active cells and provides an armored layer against 222nm light. A similar layer of cells protects the eyes. 222nm UV light never reaches the DNA of actively dividing cells, making it conducive for human exposure. That said, we recommend that you limit exposure to no more than 8 hours per day.
Yes, Shield222 Technology can be used at many types of businesses, including airplanes, restaurants, churches, commercial real estate, cruise ships, dental offices, doctor offices, fitness centers, government buildings, hotels, manufacturing, mass transit, military, prisons, public libraries, schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics.
Eden Park lamps emit Far-UVC 222nm light that inactivates harmful airborne viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. Far-UVC 222nm light inactivates airborne and surface pathogens by damaging the RNA and neutralizing bacteria DNA. The result is continuous disinfection of both air and surfaces to help halt the spread of harmful pathogens.
Shield222 Technology is backed by scientifically proven Far UV-C 222nm technology. It can help foster healthier lifestyles by eliminating bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, leaving you with more time and energy to focus on what matters most.
Click here to learn more about the science behind Shield222 Technology.
Our lamps will help disinfect groceries and objects that are placed within the line of sight.
Unlike other Far-UVC solutions that intermittently pulse higher, dangerous, levels of UVC light (more off than on), Shield222 Technology can be always on to deliver continuous disinfection against airborne viruses and surface bacteria, to help hospitals and clinics prevent illness and save lives.
Eden Park’s Far UV-C 222nm wavelength is different from traditional UVC 254nm lights. Studies have shown that traditional UVC 254nm lights are harmful when exposed to humans. Unlike those lights, the wavelength our lamp uses is completely safe for human exposure.
FAQ | MobileShield222
MobileShield222™ is a mobile-enabled, continuous disinfection device designed to inactivate airborne viruses and bacteria to create safer and healthier indoor spaces for at-risk, immunocompromised, and medically vulnerable communities. MobileShield222 is effective against a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria, and pathogens.
MobileShield222 is effective against a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria, and pathogens, including:
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- Influenza
- SARS-CoV-2 (virus)
- Staphylococcus Aureus (Gram+ bacteria
- Aspergillus Niger (endospore; Toxic Black Mold surrogate)
- H1N1 (Swine Flu; Influenza A virus)
- H5N8 (Bird Flu; Influenza A virus)
- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA; Gram+ bacteria)
- Bacillus Globigii (bacterial endospore; Anthrax surrogate)
- MS2 (RNA bacteriophage virus)
- Staphylococcus Epidermis (Gram+ bacteria)
- Phi-X174 (DNA bacteriophage virus)
- Pantoea agglomerans (Gram- bacteria)
- Listeria Monocytogenes (Gram+ bacteria)
- Murine Norovirus (virus)
- Escherichia Coli (E. Coli; Gram- bacteria)
- Candida Auris (fungus)
- Botrytis Cinerea (fungus)
- Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum (fungus)
- Legionella Pneumophila (Gram- bacteria)
- Aspergillus Versicolor (fungus)
- Clostridioides Difficile (C. Diff; endospore)
- Salmonella Enterica (Gram- bacteria)
- MPX-HUG-2 (Monkeypox; virus)
Click here to learn more about the science behind MobileShield222.
MobileShield222 is meant for anyone who wishes to create safer and healthier indoor spaces without the use of harsh chemicals and cleaning products. It can be used in both home and business settings, and can be used around people of all ages, plants, and even pets.
A single MobileShield222 device provides continuous disinfection for a 10’x10’ space with ceilings up to 12’ in height. Because MobileShield222 can be positioned almost anywhere, you can decide how many units are needed to fit your lifestyle.
The lamp in MobileShield222 is not bright – generally not visible in indoor or outdoor light. The lamp tends to have a soft salmon-colored glow which gets slightly stronger over its life. It will not cause glare or otherwise interfere with seeing another person in the room, reading, or viewing a computer or television screen.
Distance from the light: according to regulatory specification from ANSI, MobileShield222 should be used no closer than 1-foot distance for 8-hours. Recommended distance is 2.5 feet, in which case it would be well below the limit during constant exposure.
Whether in the air, or on surfaces, MobileShield222 will inactivate viruses, pathogens, and bacteria (including SARS-COV-2) immediately upon exposure to the 222nm light. Further, many studies have shown that MobileShield222 technology is as effective as wearing a mask, but it is more effective when used in combination with a mask. Lastly, MobileShield222 is significantly more effective than air purifiers and devices incorporated into HVAC units.
Yes, MobileShield222 can clean both air and surfaces even when people are not present. The real benefit is that it acts immediately upon contact with viruses and bacteria, no matter when it’s in use.
Far-UVC 222nm light has a short wavelength that is unable to penetrate the protective outer layers of skin and will not penetrate the cornea.
Click here to learn more about the science behind MobileShield222.
We are not aware of any adverse effects of MobileShield222 caused by prescription medications. Far-UVC 222nm light emits a wavelength that cannot penetrate the protective outer layers of skin or the cornea. Also, the FDA has approved the use of Far-UVC 222nm lamps in certain indoor spaces, including hospitals and airports.
The outer layer of human skin consists of dead skin cells with no active cells and provides an armored layer against 222nm light. A similar layer of cells protects the eyes. 222nm UV light never reaches the DNA of actively dividing cells, making it conducive for human exposure. That said, we recommend that you limit exposure to no more than 8 hours per day.
Yes, MobileShield222 can be used at many types of businesses, including airplanes, restaurants, churches, commercial real estate, cruise ships, dental offices, doctor offices, fitness centers, government buildings, hotels, manufacturing, mass transit, military, prisons, public libraries, schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics.
A single MobileShield222 device has a MSRP of $1199, but is currently available for the discounted price of $299.
MobileShield222 emits Far-UVC 222nm light that inactivates harmful airborne viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. Far-UVC 222nm light inactivates airborne and surface pathogens by damaging the RNA and neutralizing bacteria DNA. The result is continuous disinfection of both air and surfaces to help halt the spread of harmful pathogens.
MobileShield222 is backed by scientifically proven Far UV-C 222nm technology. It can help foster healthier lifestyles by eliminating bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, leaving you with more time and energy to focus on what matters most.
Click here to learn more about the science behind MobileShield222.
MobileShield222 will help disinfect groceries and objects that are placed within its line of sight.
Installation is simple. MobileShield222 can be positioned almost anywhere. Your MobileShield222 will come with easy-to-follow instructions and will take just a few minutes to install. MobileShield222 does not require any hardwiring or installation support from an electrician.
MobileShield222 can be powered with the supplied 12V DC adapter that plugs into an electrical
wall outlet or via the rechargeable battery.
Unlike other Far-UVC solutions that intermittently pulse higher, dangerous, levels of UVC light (more off than on), MobileShield222 can be always on to deliver continuous disinfection against airborne viruses and surface bacteria, to help hospitals and clinics prevent illness and save lives.
MobileShield222’s Far-UVC 222nm wavelength is different from traditional UVC 254nm lights. Studies have shown that traditional UVC 254nm lights are harmful when exposed to humans. Unlike those lights, the wavelength MobileShield222 uses is completely safe for human exposure.
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(217) 403-1866